About PeerRx
Time to Thrive! Join the PeerRx Movement
Thriving … joyful … flourishing ... fulfilled! What’s the word that describes you when you’re at your best? Stop and picture yourself there. What if it was not only possible but essential for you to spend much more of your professional life in that place?
We know that the practice of medicine is filled with both rewards and challenges. One of the results of the many challenges has been an increase in the number of physicians and other healthcare team members experiencing professional distress, which has many manifestations, including burnout, depression, compassion fatigue, apathy, decision fatigue, relational dysfunction, and moral distress or injury.
Professional burnout is impacting physicians and others on the healthcare team in unprecedented numbers. The increased complexity, regulation, and pace of medical practice has also led to a greater sense among physicians of feeling professionally and socially isolated from their colleagues and alone in their struggles. Indeed, the MedScape National Physician Burnout Report 2020 indicated that almost half of all physicians across generations respond to feelings of professional distress by isolating themselves from others, even as we know that professional connection is our lifeblood …
“Not valuing time with colleagues … leads to a soulless efficiency and professional isolation that drains us of our ability to help patients, ourselves, and each other.”
John Frey, MD
It is for that reason that PeerRxMed™ (PeerRx or PRx for short) was created, built upon the premise that “No One Cares Alone™.” PeerRx is a free, peer-to-peer program for physicians and others working in health care designed to provide support, connection, encouragement, resources, and skill- building in order to help participants advance along the Burnout to Thriving Index (Burnout —> Surviving —> Fine —> Well —> Thriving) toward optimal well-being, however you would define that state for yourself.
The foundation of the PeerRxMed™ program is PeerRx90, also known as PRx90™, which is structured to support paired clinicians through a “buddy system” and provide a platform to facilitate encouragement, accountability, and mutual support/growth. Such a system has precedent in the United States Armed Forces (“wingmen” in the Air Force, "battle buddies" in the Army, "shipmates" in the Navy), the Boy Scouts of America, the Girl Scouts of the USA, and the YMCA swimming programs. The time has come for you to Strive to Thrive and join the PeerRx Movement.