Facing the Fears in Your Mind

“We suffer more in imagination than in reality.” Seneca

In the midst of our present very vivid sense of uncertainty, what storyline is your mind creating?  Knowing that our brains are evolutionarily wired for “survival,” there will be very natural reactions to “go negative” and imagine the worst from our present circumstances.  There is a difference between making contingencies for possible negative outcomes and living as if they are inevitable, which will likely cause incredible emotional suffering for you and others. 

As you peer into your/our future, the only real truth is “I don’t know.”  We know life is challenging enough without adding any of our own terrifying story-line and drama to it.  Acknowledging fear as only one of many emotional options can become the path to a new kind of freedom in the moment.  I was reminded of that this weekend and opened myself to incredible moments of beauty while listening to music, watching spring bursting forth, and spending time with loved ones. 

This week, please be sure to check-in with your PeerRx partner, perhaps even daily.  Consider sharing what fears you may be experiencing, and how you are trying to come to terms with those fears.  Specifically share:    

  • Here’s a fear (“concern” if that works better for you) that I’ve been feeling regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.                     

  • This is one specific thing you, as my PeerRx partner, can do to help support and/or encourage me as we all navigate through these times.            

This week invite fear to find its appropriate place among many other possible emotions.  Thanks in advance for inviting others to help you navigate these uncertain times.   

And remember, connection is medicine …


Don’t Care Alone!


Navigating Uncertain Times