Navigating Uncertain Times
“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel humans to unfold their powers.” Eric Fromm
While the idea of certainty might be a delusion, these do indeed feel like “more uncertain” times. In our daily clinical work, we regularly wear the cloak of certainty or near certainty even though there is truly little of it in our profession. And presently, being so aware of uncertainty on a daily basis can be very disorienting and bring forth all kinds of insecurities and unhelpful thought patterns.
This week when you check-in with your PeerRx partner, consider sharing how you are navigating our present circumstances, and perhaps the impact that is having on you, both positively and negatively. Specifically share:
Here’s how the uncertainly regarding COVID-19 is impacting me both professionally and personally.
This is one specific thing you, as my PeerRx partner, can do to help support and/or encourage me as we all navigate through these times.
Thanks for calling forth your “best self” this week and in the coming weeks. Your impact will be felt by many, so it really matters.
Ready, set, connect …