How’s Your E-PPE Working?
“Validation is an essential component of emotional PPE.” Susan Song, MD, MPH, PhD
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is intended to decrease our vulnerability to the spread of infectious agents. Tragically, stories are coming from all over the country about PPE being in short supply as the number of COVID-19 infections rise. The physical vulnerability being caused by such shortages and resulting emotional distress are resulting are nothing short of tragic.
But there is another form of vulnerability being experienced during this pandemic that is vital for us to name, and that is emotional vulnerability. As our seemingly unrelenting challenges continue, many people are becoming more emotionally on edge. The resulting spread of negative emotional contagion has left many clinicians feeling quite emotionally exposed. As such, maintaining an adequate supply of emotional PPE (E-PPE) and donning it appropriately is essential to our well-being both during COVID and beyond. As a reminder:
Mask – Watch your words carefully, being mindful to not spread any negative emotions to others. Additionally, insist that others wear their masks around you in order to block the spread of any of their own negative emotions. Because it can sometimes be difficult to understand the speech of those wearing masks, clarify anything that sounds concerning to you and assume positive intent.
Goggles/Face Shield – Be even more aware of making eye contact when speaking to others and allow your “eyes and voice to smile” when your expressions are hidden. While wearing these, sometimes your vision can become foggy, so be sure to regularly seek the perspective of others.
Gloves and gown – Since these are only being used while around those who are known or suspected of being contagious, use appropriate emotional protection when necessary. Don’t allow caution regarding physical protection to result in social and emotional distancing and become a barrier to vital relationships and life-giving connection.
Remember, as important as PPE is for our physical safety, the impact of COVID goes well beyond our physical health. The good news is that emotional PPE is in abundant supply, so if you feel yours is running low, a colleague (your PeerRx buddy!) is always there to help. In these distressing times, we need to be remembering that more than ever.